
As with other forms of cancer, the goal in treating mesothelioma is to remove or destroy the malignant cells while preserving healthy cells. The three most frequently used options for treating mesothelioma are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Although these treatments are often used in combination, Dr. Cameron is a pioneer in his treatment protocol which spares the lung as much as possible and treats mesothelioma as a chronic disease. The goal is to control mesothelioma and provide the patient with the best possible quality of life.

At The Pacific Meso Center, we do this through multi-modal treatment beginning with the lung-sparing Pleurectomy/Decortication (“P/D”) surgery. Radiation is then used to shrink any malignancies that may be left. Immunotherapy and a combination of other conventional and experimental treatments are used over the long term to stop the recurrence of the tumor.

Dr. Cameron is the innovator of the Pleurectomy/Decortication surgical procedure and has performed the technique on over 300 patients to date. He has also published many articles and is a frequent lecturer on the surgical and multi-modal management of pleural mesothelioma.

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You’re on this website because you’re searching for information about pleural mesothelioma from a doctor and not from lawyers. We are an independent site not affiliated with any law firm, nor do we give advice on law firms. On this site, you can learn about the latest treatment and research from Dr. Robert B. Cameron, a board certified surgeon on the forefront of mesothelioma for over 25 years and Scientific Advisor of the Pacific Meso Center. He is the innovator of the lung-sparing surgical procedure that has become the standard of care.

While this website contains general information about mesothelioma, treatment and research, this information is not advice and should not be treated as such. You should always consult your own physician for medical advice. The Pacific Meso Center (PMC) is a division of the Pacific Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit medical research institute.